Spen en space-havens: Famous for soaring, these are much unusual gems of flying. Little birds may well be the world’s smallest; they will, however, never fly under the radar due to most colorful eyes-in-you color-plumage.
The family of hummingbirds comprises 368 species of different shapes and sizes and, of course, colors, being native to the Americas with most diversity near the Tropics.
The greatest threat that befalls them is habitat destruction. Almost all species breed in ancient, tropical forests that undergo deforestation. The blooming of flowers, however, is most often not in keeping with the timing for hummingbirds’ migration – given the early blooming of many plants by global warming, food becomes reduced. Other threats include pesticide poisoning and crashing into windows.
- Family: Trochilidae
- Diet: nectar and insects
- Life span: 3 – 5 years
- Weight: 1.6 – 6.5 grams
- Group name: a charm
- Species information
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Did you know? Flying or hovering, hummingbirds mostly get their name from the humming sound their wings make. The noise is often likened to that of a bee or mosquito. Hummingbirds can flap their wings anywhere from 80 to 200 times in one single swoop-and-dive. They are great and unique flyers; they can fly upside down and even backward. They can hydrate themselves in an hour more than a bird weighing 12 times as much; hence, these birds boast a big appetite because of their speed and metabolism-adapted daily.
They usually have not very friendly natures, very territorial about their own little patch of flowers. They are at high risk for starvation during the night and periods of food scarcity and go into torpor each night like hibernation to conserve energy. This reduces their body temperature, heart, and breathing rates. The Bee Hummingbird, which is only found in Cuba, stands as the world’s smallest bird. Weighing just 1.6 grams, the feathered beauties are often confused with bees.

Their wee eggs measure about 6 mm long (think coffee bean size!). They are laid in little, cup-shaped nests, which are made of moss and silk. The ants allow the nest to expand as the chicks hatch and grow. This species is listed as Near Threatened, and its greatest threat is habitat loss through pasture conversion and agriculture. Make a Donation Our evidence-based approach always ensures your money will flow to where it is needed most.
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Hummingbirds are the tiny wonders of the nature, loved for their bright colors, fast wing beats and incredible agility. These incredible creatures are vital for ecosystems through pollination while completely dazzling onlookers with their beauty and elegance. These tiny creatures are incredibly strong, tough, and adaptable. We will be well able to protect these vivacious birds for posterity by understanding and conserving the habitats they depend upon. Hummingbirds remind us of the glory of nature and the need to value its fragile balance.
Q.1 How fast do hummingbirds fly?
A.1 With speeds of nearly 30 miles per hour in ordinary flights, they can reach the speeds of up to 60 miles in courtship dives.
Q.2 Why hover would hummingbird?
A.2 They simply hover to access nectar from flowers. This interesting skill is due to their special wing structure that allows them to beat their wings in a figure-eight pattern.