Are You Analytical or Creative? Find Out with This Animal Optical Illusion

Are you analytical or creative? Find out with this animal optical illusion
Optical illusions: Tools to understand the workings of your brain
Optical illusions are a proven way to understand how the brain functions. It helps uncover hidden personality traits that you may be unaware of.

Personality tests: A fun and in-depth approach

Optical illusions are fun. But when combined with personality tests, they provide us with in-depth insights into our personalities. Though they are not completely accurate, they can provide you with a basic understanding of your personality.

Image analysis: Different perspectives

In such tests, readers are shown an image that different individuals can see in different ways. What catches your eye first reveals a lot about your subconscious brain function and helps you unravel hidden aspects of your personality.

Do you want to know more about yourself? Let’s get started!

Optical illusion personality test: Are you analytical or creative?
Our brain is divided into two halves, right and left. Our thought process is determined by the most dominant part of the brain.

Take this optical illusion personality test and find out which part of your brain is the most dominant. In this viral optical illusion image, the animal you see first tells a lot about your personality type.

Meaning of two animals: What your first sight says
There are two animals in this picture. Depending on which one catches your attention first, you can either be analytical or creative.

Monkey image

Monkey image

If you first see a monkey hanging from the branches of a tree, then the right side of your brain is the most active. You are highly creative and rely on your insights rather than critical thinking.

Tiger image

Tiger image

If you are one of those who first saw the face of a tiger, then the left side of your brain is the most dominant part. This makes you a practical, goal-oriented person. You are very analytical and calculative and believe in logical thinking.

So, which animal did you see first? Hopefully this optical illusion personality test helped you understand your personality better.


Self-assessment quiz developed from the original article titled “Are You Analytical or Creative?” The Regular “Find Out with This Animal Optical Illusion” test allows developing a closer look into a person’s traits based on the first animal that they notice in the picture. The result of this fun and enjoyable activity is an understanding not only of the governing hemisphere of the brain but also of the personality’s analytical or creative tendencies.


Q.1 Let me explain what an animal optical illusion personality test actually is.

A.1 An animal optical illusion personality test is a popular online test which can tell the user whether he/she is more of a thinker or an artist. This is done by focusing attention on an object that may be viewed in one way but is composed of multiple layers which, when observed, can relate to a number of aspects of personality depending on which animal is first seen by the viewer.

Q.2 How does the test distinguish between analysis and creativity in me?

A.2 The test operates on the basis of a shown image of two animals. For instance, with the first creature you see, one can tell which part of their brain is more active; the left or right hemisphere. An early glimpse of a monkey will get the viewer a creative and intuitive personality, while the early glimpse of a tiger will get the viewer an analytical and logical personality.

Q.3 This test is actually an objective test, so to speak, but are the results of the test scientifically accurate?

A.3 Though the test sounds like it involves psychological concepts, it is actually a fun personality quiz just for fun. It offers an entertaining way of learning information about you but cannot be relied on for accurate results of a psychological analysis.

Q.4 Can I take the test in once in a while What if I answer a few questions wrong then I take the test again?

A.4 Yes, you can take the test as many times you wish to. Nevertheless, it is usually the first impression where the most crucial piece of information, namely the first subconscious impression, is given.

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