Just like every story has two sides, our brains have two sides. Although the two halves may look similar, each half of the brain has a different way of functioning. And together, these two halves help us navigate our complex world. The left brain is commonly associated with logic and analysis, while the right brain is identified with imagination and intuition.
In this article, we will introduce you to an interesting thought process that can help determine whether you are “left-brain” dominant or “right-brain” dominant. So, let’s start with a simple example.
The two sides of the brain: left and right

The picture below shows two jungle dwellers: a tiger and a monkey. If you see the tiger’s head first, it may mean that you are a left-brained person. On the other hand, if you see the monkey’s head first, it indicates that you may be a right-brained person.
Tiger – Left-brained sign

If you saw the tiger’s head first, it could mean you are a left-brained dominant person. This means you are a planner, and your emotions never get in the way of your goals. You are rational, realistic, and precise in everything you do.
Your thinking is analytical. You are goal-driven and very organized. When faced with a problem, you rely on logic and calculation. You are extremely focused in your actions and take a rational approach to solving problems.
According to Bright Side, left-brained people are “analytical individuals who are rational and organized in everything they do. They rely on logic and calculation when solving problems.”
Monkey – Right-brained sign
If you saw the monkey first, it could mean you are a right-brained dominant person. Right-brained people are often artists, and they pay more attention to their thoughts and emotions. These people usually rely on their emotions before taking action and can be a bit impulsive at times.
Right-brained people are generally creative and have a storehouse of innovative ideas. When dealing with problems, they rely more on their intuition than logic, which is often proven to be correct.
According to Bright Side, right-brained people are “creative and rely more on intuition. When solving problems, they follow their emotions and thoughts more often, which is often proven to be correct.”
Does this dominance limit our personality?
Now, it is true that if you are a left-brained person, it does not mean that you cannot be creative, and if you are a right-brained person, it does not mean that you cannot be organized and disciplined. In fact, both parts of the brain complement each other and together make our brain a whole unit.
Both parts work in every person’s brain, but one part is more dominant than the other. Both the parts work together and are essential for our lives to be balanced. For example, you may be creative, but if you don’t plan things, your ideas may have difficulty turning into reality. Similarly, you may be precise and analytical, but without any creativity, your plans may never come to fruition.
Balance of both parts of the brain
Both parts of our brain have to work together so that we can live every aspect of our life in a balanced way. If you over-activate your left brain, you should also use your right brain for creative thoughts and feelings. Similarly, if you are creative, you should use your left brain so that you can implement your ideas in a systematic and logical manner.
Sometimes, the right balance of both parts of the brain can bring more success and satisfaction in life. When we think both creatively and analytically, we are better able to find solutions to complex problems.
It is important to note that both sides of the brain provide us with different perspectives and abilities. We all have the powers of both the left and right brains. We must understand that a balance of both sides is necessary to influence our thinking, our actions, and our decisions in the best way.
So, the next time you question yourself whether you are a “left brain” or a “right brain” person, remember that both sides are important parts of our personality and complement each other.
Q. What does it mean to be left-brain dominant?
A. Left-brain dominant people are typically logical, analytical, and organized. They prefer structured, detail-oriented tasks and tend to approach problems methodically.
Q. What does it mean to be right-brain dominant?
A. Right-brain dominant individuals are generally more creative, intuitive, and spontaneous. They rely on their imagination and emotions to make decisions.
Q. Can someone be both left-brain and right-brain dominant?
A. Yes, everyone uses both sides of their brain. While one side may be more dominant, both sides work together to help us think and perform tasks.
Q. Is one side of the brain more important than the other?
A. Neither side of the brain is more important. Both the left and right sides are essential and complement each other for balanced cognitive function.
Q. Can a left-brain person be creative?
A. Yes, even though left-brain dominant people are more logical, they can still be creative. Creativity and organization can work together to enhance problem-solving and productivity.