
SSI: $967 Federal Support for Seniors & Disabled in Need

$967 Federal Support: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a program funded by a union in the United States. Although the Social Security Administration (SSA) only manages SSI applications and payments, it is a separate program from social security disability income (SSDI) or retirement benefits.

However, it is important to know that these programs complement each other. This means that you can get retirement/SSDI and SSI at the same time.

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Eligibility requirements

Only under three circumstances can you be eligible to apply for SSI:

  • Age: Your age should be 65 or more.
  • Disability: You should have a disability that reduces your ability to work significantly.
  • Blindness: If you are visually impaired, you can apply for SSI.

In order to be eligible in all these circumstances, your income and resources limit should also be within the prescribed standards. Remember that SSI is a support program for low-income individuals and couples.

When to apply?

In the United States you can apply for SSI throughout the year. First of all, ensure your eligibility using the eligibility check tool on SSA’s official website https://www.ssa.gov/Prepare/check-eligibility-for-benefits.

The sooner you apply, the better. The decision of the Social Security Department may take some time, so it is appropriate to not delay the application. You can also start the application process online.

If you feel that you are eligible to get SSI benefits, then go to the SSA website https://www.ssa.gov/apply to start the application.

Profit amount

The amount you receive depends on your financial position and personal conditions. If there is no deduction in your income, you can get a maximum of $943 in 2024 and a maximum of $967 after the increase in 2025.

The Cola growth will be 2.5%, and it will be included in the December 31 payment. If you are a character married couple and you are both eligible for the entire amount, you can find a maximum of $1,415 in 2024 or $1,450 in 2025.

The amount received by the eligible dependents in 2024 will increase from $472 to $484 in 2025.

The average payment amount for SSI is as follows:

  • All recipients: $698
  • The age of 18 years: $818
  • 18 to 64 years: $744
  • 65 years or more: $575

This information provides you with basic information about the SSI program. For more information about the application process and eligibility requirements, contact the Social Security Administration website or your local office.

Also Read: $1,450 SSI Payments Coming in 20 Days: Are You Ready?


SSI is an important program that provides financial assistance to low -income individuals and couples. If you are eligible, it is important to take advantage of it. Starting the application process will help you get benefits as soon as possible.


Q. Is it necessary to be a citizen to get SSI?

A. No, you do not need to be an American citizen. You can also be a permanent resident or some other qualified non-immigrant.

Q. Do I have to stop working to get SSI?

A. No, you can also work while getting SSI. However, your income should not exceed a certain range.

Q. Do I have to get a medical examination done to get SSI?

A. If you are applying on the basis of disability, you may have to undergo a medical examination. This test will help determine whether your disability affects your ability to work.

Q. Can I apply for SSI and other government support programs simultaneously?

A. Yes, you can apply for SSI and other government support programs at the same time.

Q. If I get SSI, do I have to do it?

A. Your income may be taxed, but it depends on your personal financial situation. For more information, you should consult a tax advisor.

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