Zoologists determine Flaco’s death.

Zoologists determine Flaco's death.

Flaco, New York’s popular Eurasian Eagle-Owl, fell victim to a tragic accident. The cause of his death is said to be an acute traumatic injury, possibly caused by a collision with a tall building. This news has shocked bird lovers and wildlife conservationists. Flaco: Tragic death of New York’s beloved owl, suspected to have hit a building Postmortem reveals: Signs of serious injury on the body The necropsy of Flaco’s …

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A year with Flaco, the most famous owl in the world’ in the concrete jungle

A year with Flaco, the most famous owl in the world' in the concrete jungle

Flaco, an Eurasian Eagle Owl, escaped from Central Park Zoo, and his freedom became the middle of enchantment for the humans of New York. The free flight of this huge and effective owl stuck the attention of the entire city, and soon humans began attempting to find him.A wonderful coincidence: author Jennifer Ackerman’s reaction. Famous bird writer Jennifer Ackerman found Flaco’s flight no less than a magical event. Coincidentally, a …

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