Optical Illusion to Test IQ: Only 5% Can Find The Frog In A Rainy Day Picture In 21 Seconds!

Optical Illusion to Test IQ:

Optical Illusion to Test IQ: Optical illusion is a mental game that challenges our brain’s ability to judge. It is an image that looks simple, but when we look at it carefully, it confuses our mind. After seeing this type of illusion, our brain sees it in a new form, which creates a different perspective. You must have seen many optical illusions before, such as physical, mental and cognitive illusions. …

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Optical illusion Eye Test: Only Sharpest Eyes Can Spot the Word Coat among Goat in 6 Secs

An optical illusion is one of those interesting things in which a brain takes an image in a way it differentiates with reality. It occurs when our eyes interpret an image not the way it exists in the real world. These illusions exploit the tendency of the brain to fill in gaps according to past experience and expectation. Optical illusions can range from simple geometric patterns to complex illusions that …

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