How to Combat Visceral Fat: Tips for a Healthier Body

How to Combat Visceral Fat Tips for a Healthier Body

Visceral Fat: What It Is and How to Get Rid of ItWhat is Visceral Fat?Out of the various fats present in the human body, visceral fat is the fat that is stored deep within the abdominal walls, or it wraps around organs in the body. A given amount of visceral fat is healthy and shall continue to serve you for protecting your internal organs. However, more than that can be …

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Reduce Hidden Fat: Best Practices to Lower Visceral Body Fat

Reduce Hidden Fat: Best Practices to Lower Visceral Body Fat

Lose hidden fat: Best tips to lose visceral fat Key facts Visceral fat, also known as visceral fat, is hidden around and inside your body’s vital organs. Visceral fat can cause health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer. Visceral fat builds up when you don’t burn more calories than you eat and don’t get enough physical activity. A waist circumference of 80 …

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