These 2 Rare Dimes Could Buy You a New House – Find Out Why!

These 2 Rare Dimes Could Buy You a New House

These 2 Rare Dimes Could Buy You a New House: Since the inception of their existence, they have been able to attract the attention of collectors and investors. Their history and their extraordinary features make them so. These are odd facts that show that some coins are even more valuable than a newly built house. Today we will discuss two such special dimes which are now more costly than their …

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The 1983-P Roosevelt Dime: A Collector’s Essential Guide

The 1983-P Roosevelt Dime

The 1983-P Roosevelt Dime: The 1983-P Roosevelt Dime represents an important element of numismatic history, which is overlooked but which has a lot going for it. This is a post that tells the general public the story of this coin, and where the United States mint was during its transitional phase, the value of collecting and how the general public was being limited from touching the coins and the appeal …

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Discover 5 Rare Dimes in Circulation, Valued at $135 Million Each

Discover 5 Rare Dimes in Circulation, Valued at $135 Million Each

There are many interesting stories in the field of coin collection; some coins have a much higher value than their appearance. Among these gems, rare diamonds have taken the form of amazing discoveries, which are estimated to be around $135 million. This article discusses five unique rare dimes that are still in vogue and are just waiting for the discovery. 1894-S Barber Dime Only 24 coins of the famous 1894-S …

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