The Most Effective Tips for Losing Belly Fat and Gaining a Flat Stomach
It doesn’t matter what your shape is; extra fat is not healthy. Although belly fat is not the same as fat on any other part of the body. Location of body fat really matters. New research proves every year that fat deep in the abdomen, as per the name ‘visceral fat’, is far more dangerous fat than one that one can pinch out of the body.
What is Visceral Fat?
Subcutaneous fat accounts for about 90% of the body fat in the majority of people. There exists another 10% of fat referred to as visceral or intra-abdominal fat found dwelling below the firm abdominal wall surrounding the liver, intestines, and other organs. It also lies in the momentum, a fatty tissue layer located within the abdominal muscles and blankets the intestines. When there is an excess of fat deposited in the momentum, it becomes harder and thicker. Therefore, subcutaneous fat is the kind of fat which feels soft to the touch when pinching your belly.
The Danger of Visceral Fat
Visceral fat is quite more than a storage depot of fat; it is biologically active and secretes chemicals that interfere with other organs. This releases free fatty acids into the bloodstream, affecting cholesterol production and producing health problems. In addition, it produces proteins known as cytokines that can cause inflammation, thus being a heart disease risk factor as well as that for other chronic conditions.
How to Identify Visceral Fat?
Through the measurement of the waistline, the visceral fat can be assessed. More or equal to 35 inches for women indicates an excess of visceral fat where as in men it is more or equal to 40 inches. If you see an increased waistline, it perhaps could be a sign that there is an accumulation of unhealthy visceral fat.
The Impact of Visceral Fat on Health
Visceral fat is linked to several chronic conditions, such as:
Cardiovascular Disease: Studies have suggested that women who possess an increase in their waist size are more likely to be at higher risks of heart disease. Increase around visceral fat also worsens by increasing blood pressure, blood sugar, and triglyceride levels, which yield heart diseases.
Dementia: According to studies, it was proven that if a person’s middle age group at a more elevated state had a lot of continuing abdominal fats, then he or she would be expected to develop dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, much later as age increases.
Asthma: Women with increased risk of developing asthma due to high visceral fat but it is considered of normal weight.
Cancer: Another characteristic feature is that abdominal obesity increased the risk of breast cancer and colorectal cancer.
How to Lose (and Prevent) Visceral Belly Fat
The spawning place for accumulating fats is determined by genes, hormones, age, birth weight, and whether you have children. Although you cannot change your genes and birth weight, there are several actions that can be taken to control the accumulation of visceral fats. Luckily, visceral fat responds relatively better to diet and exercise rather than fats on the hips and thighs. Here are some points to keep in mind:
Keep Moving
Doing physical exercise regularly is helpful in the decrease of the waist circumference. Try performing at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity such brisk walking or cycling on a daily basis. Besides, other forms of movement can also be included in carrying out the days’ exercises, such as parking farther from the destination or using stairs instead of the elevator.
Regular exercise is a remedy for waist circumferences. Exercise at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activities, such as brisk walking or cycling, for an example. Movement can also be added to your everyday chores by parking farther away or using the stairs rather than taking the elevator.
Eat Right
Settle for a balanced diet and then help keep a healthy weight. Aside from that, avoid those foods that build up belly fat such as fructose-sweetened foods and beverages.
Don’t Smoke
Most smokers accumulate fat more on the belly than the hips and thighs. Thus, quitting smoking tends to improve health and eliminate belly fat.
Get Enough Sleep
Adequate sleep is essential. According to a study done, adults younger than 40 years old who are sleeping five hours or fewer in a night increase their visceral fat. However, more than eight hours of sleep resulted in fat gain so that it is better to target sleeping between seven and eight hours.
Reduce Stress
Increased stress levels raise the production of cortisol, which is the hormone that tends to store fat more around the belly. Some practices like yoga and meditation are said to relieve stress.
Avoid Quick Fixes
Liposuction takes out external fat; it does not address the fat that lies inside the abdominal wall. Thus, it is not a long-term solution for visceral fat.
The wanting visceral fat is essential for better health. It can be achieved by following a balanced diet with routine exercises and lifestyle changes to reduce your belly fat and make your body a better one.
Q.1 What is belly fat, and why is it so dangerous?
A.1 Belly fat is subcutaneous fat which is just under the skin and visceral fat which is around internal organs. Visceral fat is harmful because it produces the risk of many heart diseases, diabetes, and other health problems.
Q.2 What would be the most effective exercise to get rid of belly fat?
A.2 Aerobic exercises like walking and running, cycling, and strength training are extremely good in burning a lot of fat in the belly area. Spot exercises like sit-ups tone muscles but really do not directly target visceral fat.