Department of Computer Applications

BCA Program

I Semester

Subject :- Communicative English.

Code:- BCA 101




Written Communication


Oral Communication


Job Application


Arts of Listening

Course Outcomes

· To help the learners to have good critical ability

· To help the learner to prepare short speeches and deliver them effectively

· To help the learners to have fluency in English

Course Specific Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Know more about meaning, scope, process, barriers and importance of communication.

CO2: Apply the concept to write business letters, office memorandums, newsletters etc.

CO3: Apply the knowledge to plan meetings and to constitute committees.

CO5: Understand the basic Grammar, and Spoken English.

CO6: Ability to write composition, applications and vocabulary.

CO7: Gain vocabulary through reading.

CO8: Acquire fluency in English language.

C09: Ability to draft job applications, to prepare resumes presentations and executive summary.

Subject :- Basic Mathematics

Code:- BCA 102


Integral Calculus.


Limits & Continuity.


Co-ordinate Geometry.




Differential equations.

Course Specific Outcomes

·         Familiarity with Determinant and Matrices.

·         Formulate Limit, Continuity and Differentiability.

·         Demonstrate a working knowledge Definite and Indefinite Integrals.


Subject :- Introduction to Computers

Code:- BCA 103


Introduction to Computers.




Number System.


Storage Devices.


Input / Output Devices.

Course Outcomes

To acquire the basic knowledge of computer systems.

Course Specific Outcomes

C01: To help the learners to get familiar to basics of Computers.

C02: To help the learners to know about the hardware and software of computers.

C03: To help the learners to acquire the knowledge of storage and input output devices of computer system.

C04: To help the learners to understand the working of different functional parts of a computer system.




Subject :- Procedure Oriented Programming ( C- Programming)

Code:- BCA 104


About C.


Control Statements.






File Handling.

Course Outcomes

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive study of the C programming language.

·         To provide students with the means of writing efficient,maintainable, and portable code.

·         To learn and acquire art of computer programming.

·         To know about some popular programming languages and how to choose Programming language for solving a problem.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

CO 1: Understand the basic terminology used in computer programming

CO 2: Write, compile and debug programs in C language.

CO3: Use different data types in a computer program.

CO4: Design programs involving decision structures, loops and functions.

CO5: Explain the difference between call by value and call by reference

CO6: Understand the dynamics of memory by the use of pointers and Structures.

CO7: Use different data structures and create/update basic data files.


Subject :- Financial Accounting

Code:- BCA 105




Basics of Accounting.


Financial Statement Analysis.


Working Capital.


Computerized Accounting.

Course Outcomes

· Ability to prepare accounting statements and reports in accordance with accountingconcepts and conventions.

· To impart the knowledge of types of accounting errors and the ways of rectifying them.

· To find how the financial position of a firm is represented in its financial statement.

· To find out arithmetic accuracy of balance sheet.

· To find out arithmetic accuracy of trial balance.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Understand the role of accounting and its limitations.

CO2:Prepare financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

CO3: Demonstrate knowledge of each step in the accounting cycle.

CO4: Support at a basic level the recording and reporting of financial information for business.

CO5: Demonstrate an understanding the tally in accounts.


II Semester

Subject :- Discrete Mathematics

Code:- BCA 201


Propositional Logic.


Predicate Calculus.


Set Theory.





Course Outcomes

Mathematics concepts and notations are useful in studying and describing objects and problems in computer algorithms and programming languages and have applications in cryptography, automated theorem proving and software development. The objective of Discrete mathematics is to demonstrate an understanding of the theory underlying exact approaches to combinatorial optimization problems, prove & interpret standard results in graph theory & develop, implement & critically evaluate the correctness and performance of standard graph algorithms and recurrence relations of different orders.

Course Specific Outcomes.

Upon successful completion of the course, a student will be able to:

C01:  Reason mathematically about basic discrete structures such as numbers, sets, used in computer science.

C02:  Evaluate Group, Ring and Fields.


Subject :- Database Management System

Code:- BCA 202


Overview of DBMS


Data models




SQL fundamentals


Database Administrator

Course Outcomes

To educate students with fundamental concepts of Data Base Management System, DataModels & Different Data Base Languages (DDL, DML, TCL).

Course Specific Outcomes.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

CO 1: To analyze Data Base design methodology.

CO 2: Acquire knowledge in fundamentals of Data Base Management System.

CO 4: Be able to analyze the difference between traditional file system and DBMS.

CO 5: Able to handle with different Data Base languages.

CO 6: Able to construct an Entity-Relationship (E-R) model from specifications and to transform to    relational model.

CO 7: Able to construct unary/binary/set/aggregate queries in Relational Algebra.

CO 8:  Understand and apply database normalization principles.

CO 9: Able to construct SQL queries to perform Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete operations on database.

CO 10:  Understand principles of database transaction management, database recovery, security.


Subject :- Data Structures

Code:- BCA 203


Data Types.


Non Linear Data Structures.


Searching Techniques.




Algorithm design methods.

Course Outcomes

·         Notion of Abstract Data Types (ADT) & Recursive access on them

·         Relation between Data Structure operations and Amortized Complexity analysis

·         How to implement Iterated Lists and variations thereof

·         Tree data structures and how to balance them, for specific access needs

·         Understanding Graph representations, Event modelling, spatial and temporal relational data

·         Choose a Data structure, a set of access methods and determine their asymptotic efficiency

Course Specific Outcomes.

  Upon successful completion of the course student should be able to:

CO 1: Analyze data structure impact on algorithms, program design and program performance.

CO 2: Understand and apply analysis on data structures, including binary search trees, heaps, and disjoint sets.

CO 3: Explain & describe the applications of static and dynamic trees.

CO 4: Design, implement, and use advanced ADTs.


Subject :- Digital Electronics

Code:- BCA 204


Fundamental concepts.


Combinational Logic Design.


Sequential Logic Design.




Timing Circuits and Converters.


Algorithm design methods.

Course Outcomes

The objective of this course is to introduce the organization of a computer and its principal components, viz, ALU, Control, Memory and Input/output. The course will also enable the student to understand the design components of a digital subsystem that required realizing various components such as ALU, Control, etc.

Course Specific Outcomes

 Upon successful completion of the course, a student will be able to:

C01: An ability to understand theory of Digital Design and Computer Organization to provide an insight of how basic computer components are specified.

C02: An ability to understand the functions of various hardware components and their building blocks

C03:Ability to understand and appreciate Boolean algebraic expressions to digital design

C04: An in depth understanding of sequential! Combinational circuits 

C05: An in depth understanding of realization of different combinational/sequential circuits

C06: An in depth understanding of different stages of an instruction execution

C07: An in depth understanding of how different hardware components are related and work in coordination

C08: An ability to understand computer buses and input/output peripherals


Subject :- Operating System

Code:- BCA 205


OS Introduction.


Process and CPU Scheduling.


Memory Management and Virtual Memory.


File System Interface.



Course Outcomes

·         The course familiarizes the student with basic knowledge of computer operating systems.

·         The objective of the course is to provide basic knowledge of computer operating system structures

and functioning.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

CO1: Understand the difference between different types of modern operating systems, virtualmachines and their structure of implementation and applications.

CO2: Understand the difference between process & thread, issues of scheduling of userlevelprocesses / threads and their issues & use of locks, semaphores, monitors for synchronizingmultiprogramming with multithreaded systems and implement them in multithreadedprograms.

CO3: Gain knowledge about the concepts of deadlock in operating systems and how they can bemanaged / avoided and implement them in multiprogramming system.

CO4: Demonstrate the design and management concepts along with issues and challenges of mainmemory, virtual memory and file system.

CO5: Understand the types of I/O management, disk scheduling, protection and security problemsfaced by operating systems and how to minimize these problems.





III Semester

Subject :- Organizational Behaviour

Code:- BCA 301


Fundamental of OB.


Attitude Values and Motivation.




Work Stress.


Group Behavior and Leadership.

Course Outcomes

·         To enable to define management.

·         To describe the nature andscope of management.

·         To know the difference between management and administration.

·         Tounderstand various levels of management.

·         To describe the various skills those are necessary forsuccessful managers.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

CO 1: Understand the complexity of real life organization and management.

CO 2: Develop and refine student’scapacities for integrating multiple points of view.

CO 3: Become independent and critical thinkers.

CO 4: Achieve new insights and refine skills of interpretation.

CO 5: Understand organization and management so that students can use this understanding as individuals in everyday  organizational life.

CO 6: Be able to apply theories to improve the practice of management.


Subject :- Optimization Technique

Code:- BCA 302


Introduction to Operation Research.


Classical Problems of Operation Research.


Sequencing Models.


Dynamic Programming.


Inventory Models.

Course Outcomes

· The goal of this course is to teach you to formulate, analyze, and solve mathematical modelsthat represent real-world problems.

· To learn linear programming, network flow problems, integer programs, nonlinearprogramsand dynamic programming and queueing models.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, Student will be able to:

CO1: Formulate a real-world problem as a mathematical programming model

CO2: Understand the theoretical workings of the simple method for linear programming and perform iterations of it by hand.

CO3: Understand the relationship between a linear program and its dual, including strong duality and complementary slackness.

CO4: Perform sensitivity analysis to determine the direction and magnitude of change of a model‘s optimal solution as the data change.

CO5: Solve specialized linear programming problems like the transportation and assignment problems.

CO6: Solve network models like the shortest path, minimum spanning tree, and maximum flow problems.


Subject :- Computer Graphics

Code:- BCA 303


Introduction to computer graphics.


2 / 3 Dimensional Viewing.


Viewing in 3D.


Illumination, Shading & image manipulation.


Color Model.

Course Outcomes

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to computer graphicsleading to the ability to understand contemporary terminology, progress, issues, and trends.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

CO 1: Demonstrate an understanding of contemporary graphics hardware.

CO 2: Create interactive graphics applications in C++ using one or more graphics applicationprogramming interfaces.

CO 3: Write program functions to implement graphics primitives.

CO 4: Write programs that demonstrate geometrical transformations.

CO 5: Demonstrate an understanding of the use of object hierarchy in graphics applications.

CO 6: Write program functions to implement visibility detection.

CO 6: Write programs that demonstrate computer graphics animation.

CO 7: Write programs that demonstrate 2D image processing techniques.


Subject :- Computer System Architecture

Code:- BCA 304


Boolean Algebra.


Instruction set architecture.




Parallelism & Computer Organization.

Course Outcomes

The objective of this course is to introduce the organization of a computer and its principal components, viz, ALU,

Control, Memory and Input/output. The course will also enable the student to understand the design components of a

digital subsystem that required realizing various components such as ALU, Control, etc.

Upon successful completion of the course, a student will be able to:

1. An ability to understand theory of Digital Design and Computer Organization to provide an insight of how basic

computer components are specified.

2. An ability to understand the functions of various hardware components and their building blocks

3. An ability to understand and appreciate Boolean algebraic expressions to digital design

4. An in depth understanding of sequential! Combinational circuits

5. An in depth understanding of realization of different combinational/sequential circuits

6. An ability to understand computer buses and input/output peripherals

7. An ability to understand memory hierarchy and design of primary memoryCourse Specific Outcomes


Subject :- Object Oriented Programming with C++

Code:- BCA 305




C++ Data Types.


Loops & Branching.




Object & Classes.


Class Inheritance


Input – Output Files.

Course Outcomes

· To get a clear understanding of object-oriented concepts.

· To understand object oriented programming through C++.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, Student will be able to

CO1: Gain the basic knowledge on Object Oriented concepts.

CO2: Ability to develop applications using Object Oriented Programming Concepts

CO3: To demonstrate the differences between traditional imperative design and object-oriented Design

CO4: To explain class structures as fundamental, modular building blocks

CO5: To understand the role of inheritance, polymorphism &dynamic binding in building reusable code

CO6: Tounderstand the file handling and error handling mechanisms in C++



IV Semester

Subject :- Digital Communication and Networks

Code:- BCA 401




Network adapters – working principals.


Network Scaling.


Network Security

Course Outcomes

· Introduce students to the evolution of computer networks and the concepts data communication;

· introduce students the general principles of network design and compare the different network topologies;

· introduce students to the digital and analogue representations and channels;

· describe the mechanism and techniques of encoding;

· introduce students to the general principles of circuit and packet switching;

· To be familiar with the basics of data communication;

· To be familiar with various types of computer networks;

· To have experience in designing communication protocols;

· To be exposed to the TCP/IP protocol suite.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

CO1: Tounderstand the basic principles of network design.

CO2: To understand the concept data communication within the network environment;

CO 3: Define, use and implement Computer Networks and the basic components of a Network system.

CO 4: Know and Apply pieces of hardware and software to make networks more efficient, faster, more secure, easier to use.

CO 5: Differentiate the various types of network configurations and applying them to meet thechanging and challenging networking needs of organizations.

CO 6: Understand the layers of OSI and TCP and get knowledge about congestion control andnetwork security

CO 7: Define the different protocols, software, and network architectures.

CO 8: Define the concept of local area networks, their topologies, protocols and applications.


Subject :- Numerical Analysis and Statistical Techniques

Code:- BCA 402




Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion


Correlation and Regression Analysis


Probabiltiy&Probablity Distribution


Numerical Methods

Course Outcomes

·         Apply key concepts of probability.

·         Define and demonstrate the concepts of estimation and properties of estimators.

·         To applythe concepts of interval estimation and confidence intervals.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

CO1: Evaluate the probabilities and conditional probabilities.

CO2: Evaluate expectations and conditional expectations of random variables.

CO3: Approximate the distribution of sum of random variables.

CO4: Construct point estimators using the method of maximum likelihood.

CO5: Calculate the number of samples needed to construct confidence levels on the mean andvariance of a normal distribution.

CO6: Use linear regression analysis to develop an empirical model of experimental data.





Subject :- Unix and shell Programming

Code:- BCA 403


General Overview of the System


Internal Representation of Files


Structures of Processes and process control


Introduction to shell scripts


Awk and perl Programming

Course Outcomes

·         To understand Unix Operating System

·         To explore the Basic Shell Commands

Course Specific Outcomes

After this course, the student will be able to

C01:  Implement and innovate commands using the basic tool kit.

C02:  Develop shell programs in vi/vim editor.


Subject :- Environmental Science

Code:- BCA 404


Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies


Natural Resources




Biodiversity and its Conservation


Environmental Pollution


Social Issues and the Environment


Human Population and the Environment

Course Outcomes

·         Creating awareness among students about the importance of environment.

·         Creating awareness among students about the effect of technology on the environment.

·         Creating awareness among students about ecological balance.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

CO1: Know the importance of environmental studies and methods of conservation of natural resources.

CO 2: Describe the structure and function of an ecosystem.

CO 3: Identity the values and conservation of bio-diversity.

CO 4: Explain the causes, effects and control measures of various types of pollutions.

CO 5: Select the appropriate methods for waste management.

CO 6: Get knowledge about various disaster management methods

CO7: Recall social issues and legal provision.


Subject :- Java Programming

Code:- BCA 405


Introduction to Java


Networking Connecting to a Server


Distributed Objects






Security Class Loaders

Course Outcomes

· To introduce students to the Java programming language.

· To create Java programs that leverage the object-oriented features of the Java language,such as encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism; use data types, arrays and other datacollections;

· To implement I/O functionality to read from and write to text files.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, student will be able to

CO1: Understanding of the principles and practice of object oriented analysis and design in the

construction of robust, maintainable programs which satisfy their requirements;

CO2: Ability to implement, compile, test and run Java programs comprising more than one class, to

address a particular software problem.

CO3: Demonstrate the principles of object oriented programming;

CO4: Demonstrate the ability to use simple data structures like arrays in a Java program.

CO5: Understand the concept of package, interface, multithreading and File handling in java.

CO6: Ability to make use of members of classes found in the Java API (such as the Math class).


V Semester

Subject :- Software Engineering

Code:- BCA 501




Introduction to Software Engineering


Software Cost Estimation


Software Design


Modern programming Language Features


Testing And Debugging

Course Outcomes

The aim of the course is to assist the student in understanding the basic theory of softwareengineering, and to apply these basic theoretical principles to a group software development project.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

CO 1: Select and implement different software development process models

CO 2: Extract and analyse software requirements specifications for different projects

CO 3: Develop some basic level of software architecture/design

CO 4: Apply standard coding practices

CO 5: Define the basic concepts and importance of Software project management concepts like cost estimation, scheduling and reviewing the progress.

CO 6: Identify and implement of the software metrics

CO 7: Apply different testing and debugging techniques and analysing their effectiveness.



Subject :- Web Technology

Code:- BCA 505








JavaScript Assisted Style Sheets


The Form Object

Course Outcomes

· To build web applications using ASP and client side script technologies use withMicrosoft‘s IIS.

· To build XML applications with DTD and style sheets that span multiple domains rangingfrom finance to vector graphics to genealogy for use with legacy browsers.

Course Specific Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to

CO1: Understand, analyze and apply the role of languages like HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML,Javascript, VBScript, ASP, PHP and protocols in the workings of the web and webapplications

CO2: Analyze a web project and identify its elements and attributes in comparison to traditionalprojects.

CO3: Understand, analyze and create web pages using HTML, DHTML and Cascading Stylessheets.

CO4: Understand, analyze and build dynamic web pages using JavaScript and VBScript

CO5: Understand, analyze and build interactive web applications.

CO6: Understand, analyze and build web applications using PHP.

CO7: Understand, analyze and create XML documents and XML Schema.




Course Outcomes

COs of the course B-101. Philosophy & Sociology of Education

CO 1 Describe the concept of education.

CO 2 To identify the relationship between educational philosophy & sociology.

CO 3 To discuss the aims of education.

CO 4 Identify the philosophical determinants & social contracts of education.

CO 5 Describe and appreciate the contribution of philosophical thinkers.

CO 6 Write down the social processes in the society.

CO 7 Classify culture & acculturation and enculturation.


Time Allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with

co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.

COs of the course B-102 Childhood &Growing up

CO1 Describe salient features & problems of growth and development during

different stages.

CO2 Discuss the role of educational psychology in understanding an individual.

CO3 Identifythe factors influencing the process of growth & development in order

to organize teaching for effective learning.

CO 4 Describethe ability to apply the knowledge provided by educational psychologyto deal with an individual.

CO 5 To acquaint the teacher trainees with educational needs of special group of


Time Allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with

co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.

COsof the course B-103 Psychology of learner

CO1 Describe meaning& nature of learning.

CO2 To identify the ways to enhance learning skills.

CO3 Discuss the theories of motivation along with its use in the classroom.

CO4 Describe the concept ofpersonality & its types.

CO5 Describethe concept of intelligence.

CO6 Discuss the importance of group dynamics and its working style.

Time Allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.




CO1 Describethe concept of teaching and Communication.


CO2 Classify Level and stages of teaching.


CO3 Classify the various type of communication.


CO4 Describe the various teaching skill and itscomponents.


CO5 Identify the factors affecting the communication.


CO6 Describe the Model of teaching and its various examples.


CO7 Identify the characters of good communication process.


CO8 To familiarize student –teacher with various teaching methods.


CO9 Differentiate between micro teaching and SSST.


CO10 Describe about constructivist approach of teaching.


Time Allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co-curricular activities in a week over a semester.


COs of the course B-202 Subject Knowledge

CO 1 To understand the level of understanding of learner at a particular age.

CO2 To analyses the content of subject matter included.

CO3 To revise the concepts already learnt.

CO4 To decide the better method of teaching the content.

CO5 To identify the individual difference (s) and imply it in actual classroom


CO 6 Course Content: Content of class IX and X (CBSE and Uttarakhand Board).


COs of the course B-201.A Pedagogy of Mathematics

CO1 To understand the language and symbolism of mathematics as a discipline.

CO2 To develop the pedagogic understanding of mathematics in context of school

and learner.

CO3 To understand and apply different methods of teaching mathematics in the


CO4To promote understanding of mathematics in learner.

CO5To select and organize content, plan instruction and ensure effective delivery.

CO6To organize pedagogic study of subjects in mathematics at school level.

CO7To facilitate philosophical & epistemological insights of mathematics teaching

in pupil teaching.

CO8 To enrich knowledge and teaching competency.

Time Allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.


COs of the course B-201.BPedagogy of Physical science

CO1 Describe the Pedagogy of Physical Science teaching. And also give a conceptual

frameworkabout content analysis, TLM, assessment techniques, teaching

methods which is used in Physical science teaching.

CO2 Define meaning and objective of science teaching.

CO3 Describe assessment tools and techniques with special reference to CCE .

CO4 Describe the process of curriculum development.

CO5 Write down the characteristics of good science teacher.

CO6 Describe the concept of lesson planning.

CO7Analysis of assessment process in science teaching .

CO8Describe and classify the T-L-M.

CO9Write down the classification and characteristics of aids of teaching.


Time Allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co-

curricular activities in a week over a semester.

COs of the course B-201.C Pedagogy of Biological Science

CO1 To acquire an understanding of curriculum development as a reflective


CO 2 To apply learning experience and educational aids for biology teaching

in the classroom.

CO 4 To enable to understand the forward linkages through an exposure to possible

Course/vocations options after school.

CO 5 To develop competencies, skills and abilities needed to transact, critically

analyses and evaluate the biology curriculum.

CO6 To develop teaching skills for conducting theory and practical lessons.

CO7 To develop conceptual understanding related to the pedagogy of biological


CO8 To develop scientific attitude among the learner.

CO9 To understand the nature of biology its aims, values & objectives of teaching

Biological science.

CO10 To understand the different strategies of teaching biological sciences.

Time Allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.

COs of the course B-201.D Pedagogy of English

CO 1 To understand the nature and characteristics of English language.

CO 2 Develop an insight into general theories of language development.

CO3 To understand the traditional as well as modern techniques and methods to

teach English language and find ways as to how they could effectively be used

in the classroom.

CO4 To know how to plan different types of lessons in English with the help of the

given guidelines and execute the same in a classroom situation.

CO 5 To develop thorough familiarity with the various textual items like prose,

short stories etc. and how they can be used for conducting various learning


Time allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.


COs of the course B-201.E fgUnhf”k{k.kikB~;Øe

CO1 Hkk’kk ds egRolsvoxrdjkuk

CO2 “kq) HkkokfHkO;fDr dh ;ksX;rkdkfodkldjuk

CO3 “kq) lkfgR; ds l`tu ds xq.kksadkfodkldjkuk

CO4 Hkk’kk;hdq”kyrkdkfodkldjuk

CO 5 fgUnhdhfofHkUufo/kkvksalsvoxrdjkuk

CO6 Hkk’kkf”k{k.k dh fof/kvksalsvoxrdjkuk

CO 7 fgUnhikBu] ys[kumPpkj.kvkSjorZuh dh “kq)rklsvoxrdjkuk

CO 8 fgUnhf”k{k.k dh uohufofHkUulgk;dlkefxz;ksalsvoxrdjkuk

CO 9 fgUnhesaewY;kadu dh n{krklsvoxrdjkuk

CO 10 fgUnhesaikB~;&lgxkehfØ;kvksalsvoxrdjkukA

Time allotted- One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.


COs of the course B-201.F Pedagogy of Sanskrit

CO 1 To explain the nature, need and principles of teaching Sanskrit language.

CO 2 To know the concept of value education and the various branches of Sanskrit


CO 3 To demonstrates the use of various audio-visual aids.

CO4 To explain the objectives and steps of teaching prose, poetry, composition and

Grammar of Sanskrit.

CO5 To organize co-curricular activities related to Sanskrit (slope recitation, lecture,

Dramatization and other competitions).


Time allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.


COs of the course B-201.G Pedagogy of Social Studies

CO1 To understand the foundation of teaching social studies.

CO2 To review the curriculum of social studies at secondary and higher secondary


CO3 To acquaint with different strategies for teaching social studies at secondary

and higher level.

CO4 To acquire skills of preparing teaching aid for teaching social studies.

CO 5 To acquire skills of analyzing social studies text books.

CO6 To acquire competence in preparing evaluation tools in social studies.

CO7 To prepare achievement test in social studies at secondary and higher

secondary level.

CO8 To acquaint with action research in social studies.

CO9 To prepare lesson plans in social studies for instructional purposes.


Time allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.


COs of the course B-201.H Pedagogy of Commerce

CO 1 Understand the meaning, aims & objectives of commerce teaching.

CO2 Understand the various approaches of teaching of commerce.

CO3 Understand different methods of teaching, techniques & devices and use of

various teaching aids.

CO4 Prepare lesson plan properly & understand the evaluation &assessment

techniques in commerce teaching.

CO5 Develop the skills of diagnostic &remedial teaching.

Time allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.


COs of the courseB-202 School Organisation and Management

CO 1 To understand the term organization administration and management.

CO2 To understand the meaning, purpose and characteristics of school as an


CO 3 Toidentity the educational structure in India.

CO4 To explain the role of leadership for innovation & Change.


Time allotted- One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.



COs of the course B-203 Educational Technology and ICT

CO1 Describe the essentials of educational technology and ICT and its application

in Teaching-Learning Process.


CO2 Describe the role of Multimedia in Teaching-Learning Process.


CO3 Classify the various type of OER.


CO4 To utilize ICT for solving Educational Problems.


CO5 Write down the historical development of ICT in the context of education.


CO6 Describe the characteristics of hardware and software technology.


CO7 Describe the essential aspect of Programmed Learning.


CO 8 Write down the role of CIET, UGC & IGNOU.


Time allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co-curricular activities in a week over a semester.

COs of the course B-301-A Visit to school

CO 1 Describe the teaching learning process.

CO 2 Classify the school records.

CO 3 Formulate an action plan for organizing co curricular activities.

CO 4 Classify the different types of co-curriculoractivitecorriendut in school.

CO 5 Describe teacher behavior towords. learnercollegues and



Time allotted – Two period in a week over a semester.


COs of the courseB-301 B Internship

CO 1 Performance of Classroom teaching in two school subjects by student teacher:

minimum fortyclasses ; twenty per subject lesson plan

CO 2 To organize different activities of the school.

CO 3 Describe Performance and deliverance of duties as directed, time to time by

the principal.

CO 4 Describe various kinds of teaching aids

CO 5 To Administrate of one psychological test.

Credits – Two period in a week over a semester with practice. 16 week over a

3rd semester .



COs of the courseB-302 A Gender, school and society

CO1 Describe conceptual understanding about Gender and Gender issues

and its relation with education and women empowerment.


CO2 Understand the gradual paradigm shift from women’s studies.


CO3Understand how gender, power & sexuality relate to education.


CO4 Describe the historical background of social reforms.


CO5 Describeabout gender issues in school, curriculum, textual material.


CO6 Describe the problems of women education.


CO7 Identify the issues, challenges and remedies of problems of higher education


CO8 Understand about various schemes and programmes of education.


CO9 Identify the various types of agencies of education.


Time allotted – Two period for Theory per day with Practicum and co-

curricular activities in a week over a semester.


COs of the course B-301 B.1 Environmental education

CO 1 To define environmental Education.

CO 2 Describeresponsibility towards environment, biodiversity and sustainable


CO 3 To identify the role of teacher, school and community in the preservation of


CO 4 Describe in detail different schemes & programmes of central, state govt. &

NGO’s in the area of environment education & awareness.

Time allotted – Two period for Theory per day with Practicum and co-

curricular activities in a week over a semester until the day go for internship .


COs of the course B-302-B.2 Population Education


CO 1 Describe the concept of population education.

CO 2 Clarify the relation to socio-economic development with population.

CO 3 Write down the role and responsibilities of family type education.

CO 4 Describe the role of teacher in creating awareness towards population and related problem.

CO 5 Write down the role of central and state government in population control and

health preservation.

CO6 Describe the role of National population policy, programs of UNEPA, WHO and


Time allotted – Two period for Theory per day with Practicum and co-

curricular activities in a week over a semester until the day go for internship .



COs of the course B-301 B.3 Value Education

CO 1 To classify the nature and sources of values and disvalues.

CO 2 Describe the role of teacher as an agent of social change through value


CO 3 write down the effect of values in one’s life.

CO 4 Describe the ways of bringing harmony between traditional and modern


CO 5 To acquaint students with the role of teacher, parent, society and nation in

creatinga value laden society.


Time allotted – Two period for Theory per day with Practicum and co-

curricular activities in a week over a semester until the day go for internship .


COs of the course B-301 B.3 Community work

COS 1 To sensitize student teacher to the needs of society and their role as a teacher

rally and campaign are organized on social and health issues like Polio, HIV,

Electoral Rights, Gender sensitization.

COS 2 To develop student teacher as an active member of their community. They

are assigned in communities activities like- Gardening, Clearing drive in the

campus and beautification decoration of class room, S.P.U.W. etc.

COS 3 To inculcate a feeling of partriotism, student-teacher are provided training of

scout and guide and also celebrate national festivals and teacher day etc.

Time allotted – One period per day in a week over a semester.


COs of the course B-401 Education in contemporary Indian Society


CO 1 Describe the aims of education in contemporary Indian society.

CO 2 Describe the concept of democracy, socialism, secularism, and natural values.

CO 3 Clarify the contemporary study of education in Vedic, Buddhist, Muslim and

British period.

CO 4 Identify the challenges among Indian society.

CO 5 Describe the constitutional provisions for education C for SC, ST, OBC and


CO 6 Write down in details reports of Various commission(s) 1952-53, 1964-66,

1986, 1992, NKC.

Time allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.


COs of the course B-402 School Curriculum Development

CO 1 Describe the determinations of curriculum.

CO 2 Describe the educational and instructional objectives.

CO 3 Clarify the concept of curriculum and syllabus.

CO 4 Write down the defects in existing curriculum.

CO 5 Describe in details approaches to curriculum development.

CO 6 Write in details the role of NCERT, CBSE, SCERT and SIES.

CO 7 Describe the special features of CCF and NCF (2005).

CO 8 Understand the process of preparing curriculum handbook, modules, sources

material and instructional materials.

Time allotted- One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co-curricular activities in a week over a semester.


COs of the course B-403 Assessment and Learning


CO 1 Describe the concept of assessment and measurement.

CO 2 Classify the types of evaluation Formative and summative.

CO 3 Write down the characteristics of a good measuring tool.

CO 4 Clarify present evaluation system of secondary level.

CO 5 Describe the process of evaluation.

CO 6 Clarify the types of achievement tests-Criterion referenced V/S Norm

referenced, Teacher made V/S standardized.

CO 7 Describe the types of test items objective type essay types and short answer


CO 8 Describe various types of tool for measuring intelligence creativity aptitude

interest and personality of learns.

CO 9 Describe in details Non- testing techniques for evaluation- observation rating

scale, Interviews, sociometry, Projective techniques.

CO 10 Clarify the meaning and nature of statistics.

CO 11 To measure central tendency mean median mode.

CO 12 To measure variability standard deviation and percentile.

CO 13 Describe meaning nature and computation of rank order correlation.

CO 14 Describe properties and use of normal probability curve and grading system.



Time allotted – One period for Theory per day and 03 period for Practicum with co- curricular activities in a week over a semester.



COs of the course B-404 Language across the curriculum


C0 1 Describe the concept of bilingualism .

CO 2 Write down the principles of learning language.

CO 3 Classify general theories of language.

CO 4 Describe language in content of Indian class rooms linguistic diversity.

CO 5 Describe the concept of Multi-language class room.

CO 6 Identify the states of English and other Indian language.

CO 7 Describe the functions, strategies activities involving in the class-room.

CO 8 Write down comprehension strategies and factors effecting comprehension.

CO 9 Writing in the Indian class-room limitation and challenges.

CO 10 Differences between the product and process approaches.

CO 11 Describe in details current practices purpose and principles of assessment.