Department of Physics

The Department has formulated the following programme outcomes for the physics graduate and physics postgraduate students


Programme Outcomes

PO1: Physics Knowledge: To provide students with the basic foundation in physics, the scientific method (theory and experiment) and to motivate scientific enthusiasm and curiosity and the joy of learning.

PO2: Solving Skills: To provide students with the tools needed to analyze problems, apply mathematical formalism and experimentation and synthesize ideas.

PO3: Technical Skills: To provide the students with technical skills necessary for successful career in physics and related fields.

PO4: Communication Skills: To provide the students with dissemination of knowledge of physics from basic concepts to specific detailed through a variety of oral, written and computational modalities.

 Programme Specific Outcomes

PSO1: Students are expected to acquire core knowledge with facts and figures in physics.

PSO2: Students should acquire the skills in handling scientific instruments, planning and performing in laboratory experiments.

PSO3: Students will realize and develop an understanding of the impact of physics and science on society.

PSO4: Apply conceptual understanding of the physics to general real-world situations.

PSO5: Discover of physics concepts in other disciplines such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering and Chemistry.

PSO6: Analyze physical problems and develop correct solutions using natural laws.




Technical Proficiency:

Provide a degree course, suitable for students of high ability, combining and relating mathematics, statistics, and the social sciences.

Professional Growth:

Prepare students for further study, or for professional and managerial careers, particularly in areas requiring the application of quantitative skills.

Management Skills:

Provide students with knowledge of mathematics, Management and the interaction between the two.


POs describe what students are expected to know or be able to do by the time of graduation from the programme. The Program Outcomes of UG in Mathematics are:

At the end of the programme, the students will be able to:

·Think in a critical manner.

·Know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use that information for the issue or problem at hand.

·Formulate and develop mathematical arguments in a logical manner.

·Acquire good knowledge and understanding in advanced areas of mathematics and statistics, chosen by the student from the given courses.

·Understand, formulate and use quantitative models arising in social science, business and other contexts.


Programme Outcomes

 PO1: Knowledge – Students will demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of chemistry which include Inorganic, Organic and physical chemistry along with specific knowledge of spectroscopy, group theory and bio-inorganic, bio-organic and bio-physical in advance courses.

 PO2: Theoretical-Analytical- Students will competently apply this knowledge and analyze chemical systems all around by conceptual understanding of the subject in which they identify the essential aspects of a problem, formulate a strategy for solution and communicate their work clearly. 

PO3: Computational – Students will use basic computational techniques for modeling chemical systems including those that don’t have analytical answers.

PO4 Experimental – Students will systematically explore chemical phenomena by setting up experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and interpreting their results.



PSO1.Understand the basic concept of Algae, their classification, vegetative structure and comparative study of some genera.


PSO2.Understand the basic concept of fungi, their ecology, their pathology and comparative study of some of the genera.


PSO3.Understand and differentiate Bacteria, Viruses and Lichen based o their morphology, ecology and chemical composition.


PSO4.Understand the basic concept of bryophyta, their economic importance, their role as pollution indicator and place among the organism.


PSO5.Understand the pteridophyta, their economic importance, structure and function.


PSO6.Understand the gymnosperm, their habitat, distribution, classification; general idea about fossil and process of fossilization.


PSO7.Understand the plant angiospermic family and differentiated one family from other , classification of angiosperm, basic knowledge about botanic garden, herbaria and ICBN.


PSO8.Understand the basic concept about cell and their organelles and their function.


PSO9.Understand about process of microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis; general concept of seed germination, dormancy, plant growth hormone and physiology of flower.


PSO10.Understand and differentiate nucleic acid and genetic code, law of inheritance, plant breeding and crop improvement methods.


PSO11.Understand basic concept of DNA, RNA; molecular markers, gene regulation, PCR and DNA fingerprinting.


PSO12.Understand and perform anatomy of root, stem and leaf, types of plant tissue, secondary growth.


PSO13.Perform, understand and classify plant and environment, their habitat, population, community structure, ecological succession, ecological pyramid, biogeochemical cycle-C, N ; Biodiversity and conservation, general idea about pollution.


PSO14.Understand and perform plant physiological process-diffusion, transpiration, mineral nutrition, respiration and photosynthesis.


PSO15.Understand and classify amino acid, proteins, enzymes, carbohydrate, fats and lipids.


PSO16.Understand the basic knowledge and commercial utilization of selected plants like cereals & millets, sugar yielding plant, fruits, fibres, vegetable, timbers,, medicinal plants, oils, beverages, spices and condiment.


PSO17.Understand, describe and perform sampling, measures of central tendency, correlation coefficient, chi square test.


PSO18.Understand basic concept of biotechnology, genetic engineering, plant tissue culture, industrial and agricultural biotechnology, SCP and mycotoxin.






PO1 A basic understanding of Paramecium with particular reference to locomotion, nutrition, osmoregulation and reproduction.

PO2 A basic understanding of taxonomy, morphology (including adaptations), life cycle, pathogenecity and control measures of Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Giardia, Plasmodium, Entamoeba histolytica.

PO3 A basic understanding of Syconwith reference to structure, reproduction and development.

PO4 A basic understanding of Canal system, and affinities of Porifera.

PO5 A basic understanding of Aurelia with reference to structure, reproduction and development.

PO6 A basic understanding of Polymorphism in Coelenterata, of corals and coral reefs

PO7 A basic understanding of taxonomy, morphology, life cycle, pathogenecity and control measures of Fasciola, Ancylostoma, Schistosoma, Ascaris, and Filaria

PO8 A basic understanding of parasitic adaptations in Helminths

PO9 A basic understanding of salient features and outline classification of various Higher Non-chordate Phyla

PO10 A basic understanding of Nereis- External features, excretory organs and reproduction.

PO11 A basic understanding of metamerism in Annelida (its origin and significance); of trochophore larva and its significance.

PO12 A basic understanding of parasitic adaptations in Hirudinaria.

PO13 A basic understanding of Palaemon- External features and reproduction; andPeripatus- Its distribution and Zoological importance.

PO14 A basic understanding of Pila- External features, Organs of Pallial complex, reproduction, and a brief account of torsion in Gastropoda.

PO15 A basic understanding of Asterias- External features, water vascular system, mode of feeding and reproduction.

PO16 Outline study of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including ultrastructure of the eukaryotic cell

PO17 A basic understanding of ultrastructure, chemical composition, models, specialisations and functions of plasma membrane.

PO18 A basic understanding of structure and functions of mitochondria, ribosomes, Lysosomes, centrioles, Golgi Complex, Endoplasmic reticulum, Nucleus and nucleolus.

PO19 A basic understanding of Cell division, mitotic poisons and significance of mitosis, structure and functions of synaptonemal complex, significance of meiosis.

PO20 A basic understanding of cell transformation and cancer

PO21 A basic understanding of eukaryotic chromosomes, uninemic and multinemic concept of chromosome structure, and giant chromosomes

PO22 A basic understanding of dosage compensation in Drosophila and man



PO 23 Study of living animals: Amoeba, paramecium, Euglena, Hydra, and rectal ciliates

PO24 Study of Nervous-system of Earthworm, Prawn, Pila, Unio.

PO25 Permanent preparation of Obelia colony: Ovary, setae in situ, pharyngeal and septal nephridium of earthworm, parapodia of Nereis and Heteroneries, gill radula and ospharadium of Pila, salivary glands, mouth parts and trachea of cockroach; gill lamina of Unio, statocyst and hastate plate of prawn.

PO 26 Study of permanent slides/museum specimens of Protozoa: Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, Cerastium and Noctiluca

PO27 Study of permanent slides/museum specimens of Porifera: T.S. and L.S. of Sycon, Euplectella, Hyalonema and Spongilla

PO28 Study of permanent slides/museum specimens of Coelenterata: Medusa of Obelia, larval stages of Aurelia, Physalia, Porpita, Vellela, Tubipora, Millipora, Aurelia, Gorgonium, Pennatula, Alcynonium, Adamsia

PO29 Study of permanent slides/museum specimens of Annelida: T.S. of earthworm and Nereis through different body regions. Neries Heteroneries, Arenicola, Chaetopterus

PO30 Study of permanent slides/museum specimens of Arthropoda: Mouth parts of insects, Pupa and larva of mosquito Daphnia Cyclops and larval stages of Crustaceans. Crab, hermit crab, Lepas, Balanus, Astaxus, Squilla, millipede, mantis, cricket, stick insect, water bug, beetle, locust, moth and butterfly, scorpion, spider, king crab and Peripatus

PO31 Study of permanent slides/museum specimens of Mollusca: Various larval stages, T.S. of Unio through gills; Chiton, Doris, Aplysia, Aeolis, Dentalium, Octopus, Loligo, Sepia, Nautilus, Teredo, Ostrea, Pecten

PO32 Study of permanent slides/museum specimens of Echinodermata: Various larval stages, T.S. of arm of starfish; Echinus, Ophiothrix, Holothuria, Asterias, Antedon.

PO33 Study of permanent slides/museum specimens of the protozoan parasites- Plasmodium, Moncystis, Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Entamoeba, Giardia.

PO34 Study of permanent slides/museum specimens of the Helminths parasites- Fasciola, Taenia, Ascaris, Schistosoma and filarial including larval stages.

PO35 Study of the parasite Leeches

PO36 Study of permanent slides/museum specimens of the insect parasites- Sacculina, lice, flea, bedbug, tick and mites.

PO37 Life Cycle of the following:Entamoeba T. Solium A. lumbricoides F. hepatica Schistosoma

PO38 Study of permanent slides showing stages of cell division, giant chromosome, mitochondria, Golgi body etc.





PSO1 A basic understanding of Paramecium with particular reference to locomotion, nutrition, osmoregulation and reproduction.

PSO2 A basic understanding of taxonomy, morphology (including adaptations), life cycle, pathogenecity and control measures of Trypanosoma, Leishmania, Giardia, Plasmodium, Entamoeba histolytica.

PSO3 A basic understanding of Syconwith reference to structure, reproduction and development.

PSO4 A basic understanding of Canal system, and affinities of Porifera.

PSO5 A basic understanding of Aurelia with reference to structure, reproduction and development.

PSO6 A basic understanding of Polymorphism in Coelenterata, of corals and coral reefs

PSO7 A basic understanding of taxonomy, morphology, life cycle, pathogenecity and control measures of Fasciola, Ancylostoma, Schistosoma, Ascaris, and Filaria

PSO8 A basic understanding of parasitic adaptations in Helminths

PSO9 A basic understanding of salient features and outline classification of various Higher Non-chordate Phyla

PSO10 A basic understanding of Nereis- External features, excretory organs and reproduction.

PSO11 A basic understanding of metamerism in Annelida (its origin and significance); of trochophore larva and its significance.

PSO12 A basic understanding of parasitic adaptations in Hirudinaria.

PSO13 A basic understanding of Palaemon- External features and reproduction; and Peripatus- Its distribution and Zoological importance.

PSO14 A basic understanding of Pila- External features, Organs of Pallial complex, reproduction, and a brief account of torsion in Gastropoda.

PSO15 A basic understanding of Asterias- External features, water vascular system, mode of feeding and reproduction.

PSO16 Outline study of the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including ultrastructure of the eukaryotic cell

PSO17 A basic understanding of ultrastructure, chemical composition, models, specialisations and functions of plasma membrane.

PSO18 A basic understanding of structure and functions of mitochondria, ribosomes, Lysosomes, centrioles, Golgi Complex, Endoplasmic reticulum, Nucleus and nucleolus.

PSO19 A basic understanding of Cell division, mitotic poisons and significance of mitosis, structure and functions of synaptonemal complex, significance of meiosis.

PSO20 A basic understanding of cell transformation and cancer

PSO21 A basic understanding of eukaryotic chromosomes, uninemic and multinemic concept of chromosome structure, and giant chromosomes

PSO22 A basic understanding of dosage compensation in Drosophila and man



PSO 23 Ability to differentiate Amoeba, paramecium, Euglena, Hydra, and rectal ciliates

PSO24 Understanding the Nervous-system of Earthworm, Prawn, Pila, Unio.

PSO25 Ability to prepare permanent preparation of different animal groups, their parts

PSO 26 Ability to differentiate slides/museum specimens of Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, Cerastium and Noctiluca

PSO27 Ability to differentiate T.S. and L.S. of Sycon, Euplectella, Hyalonema and Spongilla

PSO28 Ability to differentiate slides/museum specimens of Coelenterata, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, and Echinodermata.

PSO33 Ability to differentiate slides/museum specimens of the protozoan, Helminths and insect parasites

PSO37 A basic understanding of life cycle Entamoeba T. Solium A. lumbricoides, F. hepatica, and Schistosoma

PSO38 Ability to differentiate slides showing stages of cell division, giant chromosome, mitochondria, Golgi body, etc.

Department of Geology


Program Outcomes (broad expectation from each subject)


1. Obtain knowledge on Physical Geology and its applied aspects. Understand origin of Earth, its internal structure of Earth and various natural phenomenons like Earthquakes, tsunami, orogeny, volanology, weathering and erosion.

2. Understand the basics of Structural Geology. Understand various structural attributes, geological map, topographic maps and use of brunton and clinometer in the field. Understand nomenclature and classification of folds and faults and related engineering aspects

3. Understand Crystallography. Understand various parameters of crystals, symmetry elements and their uses

4. Learn the basics of Mineralogy and optical mineralogy and its implication in various rocks. Study various physical and optical properties of rock forming minerals.

5. Learn the techniques of identification of various metallic and n on-metallic minerals in hand specimen and under the petrological microscope

6. Understand elementary Geochemistry, geochemical classification of elements and their various properties

7. Obtain knowledge on Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Learn the identification of common igneous and metamorphic rocks in hand specimen and in thin section.

8. Obtain knowledge on Sedimentary Petrology. Learn the identification of common sedimentary rocks in hand specimen and in thin section.

9. Obtain elementary knowledge on Groundwater Hydrology. Understand the origin and various properties of groundwater and groundwater provinces of India.

10. Learn the principles of stratigraphy and their utilities in geology. Learn about various successions present in the Indian subcontinent and the geological time scale.

11. Understand the basics of Palaeontology. Learn the identification techniques of fossils and their uses giving emphasis to evolution

12. Learn about elementary Oceanography.Understand the relief of the oceans, marine sediments, microfossils and coastal geology

13. Understand the basics of Economic Geology and the concept of ores and their genesis. Learn about the basics of the techniques of mineral exploration.

14. Learn a technique of identification of economic minerals and ores.

Understand Fuel Geology. Learn the process of formation of petroleum and coal besides estimation and prospecting of reserves.

15. Learn the basics of elementary Engineering Geology. Learn geotechnical aspects of dams, tunnels, bridges and hill roads along with their environmental implications.

16. Learn basics of photogeology and its applications. Learn identification of phototechnical and geotechnical elements of landforms and structures.

17. Learn basics of Mineral Exploration including prospecting (gravity, electrical, magnetic and seismic techniques of exploration) and environmental considerations.

18. Understand climatology, environmental geology and its relation to engineering geology. Learn the strategies of coping with natural hazards.


Program Specific Outcome (PSOs)

1. Understand the basic concepts of Physical Geology

2. Understand Basic concepts of Structural Geology

3. Understand Basic concepts of Crystallography

4. Understand Basic concepts of Mineralogy

5. Understand Basic concepts of Optical Mineralogy

6. Understand Basic concepts of Elementary Geochemistry

7. Understand Basic concepts of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

8. Understand Basic concepts of Sedimentary Petrology

9. Understand Basic concepts of Elementary Groundwater Hydrology

10. Understand Basic concepts of Stratigraphy

11. Understand Basic concepts of Palaeontology

12. Understand Basic concepts of Elementary Oceanography

13. Understand Basic concepts of Economic Geology

14. Understand Basic concepts of Fuel Geology

15. Understand Basic concepts of Elementary Engineering Geology

16. Understand Basic concepts of Photogeology

17. Understand Basic concepts of Elements of Mineral Exploration

18. Understand Basic concepts of Environmental Geology